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Monday May 22nd, 2023 - 10:37 pm

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Sunday May 6th, 2018 - 5:36 pm

A short clip from Kate Moore (composer)'s piece which I will play at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ this coming Thursday, May 10th! The organ is tuned to a 31-tone scale (you can see the different sharps and flats, and all of the "blue notes" on the manuals). (Special thanks to Melle Weijters and Sander Germanus for help arranging the organ for us!) ... See MoreSee Less

Thursday March 29th, 2018 - 11:09 am

Last tickets! April 5th at Last tickets! April 5t;t IJ, and April 10tMusis Sacrumacrum, Arnhem. Asko|Schönbernberg and Reinbert de Leeuw. ... See MoreSee Less

Sunday November 19th, 2017 - 4:47 pm

Warming up before my concert last Friday at the Peace Palace in Den Haag where I played the Kodaly Duo with Sietse-Jan Weijenberg as part of the Zoltán Kodály Festival. Thank you Warming up before my concert last Friday at the and Suzanne Konings for organizing this concert in such a beautiful venue! ... See MoreSee Less

Friday December 16th, 2016 - 5:21 pm

Our voordekunst campaign for the Gemeentemuseum series will be up and running by Tuesday! We'll be giving away concert tickets, CDs, house concerts, and more! Info, links, etc. will follow ... See MoreSee Less

Our voordekunst campaign for the Gemeentemuseum series will be up and running by Tuesday!  Well be giving away concert tickets, CDs, house concerts, and more!  Info, links, etc. will follow
Monday October 3rd, 2016 - 3:50 pm

This Sunday October 9th at 15:00 the first of six This Sunday October 9th concerts. I will be performing with my wonderful friends Jae-won Lee, Hannah Shaw and Amy Norrington. On the program: Beethoven, Webern, Stravinsky and everyone who shows up will be playing some John Cage! Free entry to the concert with a museumkaart or with a ticket to the museum. ... See MoreSee Less

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Monday July 18th, 2016 - 12:18 pm

...with a short bonus performance on ...with a s's Opium tonight at 22:30!On the 19th of July (tuesday, starting at 20.00) our string trio Trio Dumas is going to play a concert in 'Kasteel Duivenvoorde te Voorschoten'. Next to string trios of Schubert (D. 471), Martinu (Nr.2) and Beethoven (Op.9 Nr.3) my chamber music partners will play the beautiful Duo for violin and viola (G major, K.423) of Mozart, while I myself will have the good fortune to play the second Suite for solo cello (d minor) of Bach. Would you not be able to make it to the concert, on the night of the 18th of July you can listen to some pieces from our programme live on 'Opium op 4' (starting at 22.30).
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...with a short bonus performance on NPO Radio 4s Opium tonight at 22:30!

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Friday May 27th, 2016 - 8:32 pm

Just starting rehearsals for our new Asko|Schönber project at the Holland Festival!Eerste dag repeteren voor Theatre of the World van Louis Andriessen, groot ensemble olv Reinbert de Leeuw. Première op 11 juni met De Nationale Opera - Dutch National Opera, Holland Festival, Leigh Melrose, Cristina Zavalloni, Nora Fischer, Marcel Beekman, regie Pierre Audi en decor en video Brothers Quay, groots spektakel. ... See MoreSee Less

Just starting rehearsals for our new Asko|Schönberg project at the Holland Festival!

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Saturday April 16th, 2016 - 2:46 pm

...and Ellen Corver and I will repeat our recital program (see below) this Sunday (17th - that's tomorrow!) at 15u in Heiloo. And again on the 19th (Tuesday) at 20:15u in Scheveningen! Just put on a new gut E string - so far it's still squeak-free!

Rogstraatkerk - Rogstraat 9, Den HaagRecital on Sunday with Ellen Corver in Zaandam! Schubert A major sonata, Ives #4, Berio Due Pezzi (of course), and Faure #1. I'll be playing all pieces on open gut strings - it's such a difference, and a joy to play.
Concert begins at 15:30
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...and Ellen Corver and I will repeat our recital program (see below) this Sunday (17th - thats tomorrow!) at 15u in Heiloo. And again on the 19th (Tuesday) at 20:15u in Scheveningen!  Just put on a new gut E string - so far its still squeak-free!

Rogstraatkerk - Rogstraat 9, Den Haag

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Wednesday April 13th, 2016 - 5:43 pm

Concert tomorrow in Concert tomorrow in Mu;t IJ where I'll be playing pieces by George Benjamin and Gerard Grisey. (The rest of the program seems like it will be very cool as well!)

It was pointed out to me last week that I play 1/8th tones fairly often, but this is the first time that they are actually a part of the piece!
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Saturday March 19th, 2016 - 10:47 am

Nice review in the NRC! A rough translation: "Puglia played fiery, and to great effect" (they like the piece as well - but then again, who wouldn't??)'Roukens' vioolconcert is vurig' kopt NRC, en 'Puglia [onze violist Joseph Puglia] speelde het vurig en effectvol', 4 sterren! Ook op 24/3 Stadsschouwburg en De Vereeniging en 14/5 Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek ... See MoreSee Less

Nice review in the NRC!  A rough translation: Puglia played fiery, and to great effect (they like the piece as well - but then again, who wouldnt??)

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Monday March 7th, 2016 - 1:11 pm

A photo from the first of a long and fun series of concerts last Saturday from A photo from the first of a long and fun serie, taken at museum Beelden aan Zee. 10 wonderful colleagues, 34 amazing duets, and the CD is officially released! Thanks to everyone who played this weekend! More info on CD distribution coming soon....Goedemorgen, we zijn begonnen! Joseph Puglia speelt het eerste Berio pop-up concert in museum Beelden aan Zee. ... See MoreSee Less

A photo from the first of a long and fun series of concerts last Saturday from Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek, taken at museum Beelden aan Zee.  10 wonderful colleagues, 34 amazing duets, and the CD is officially released!  Thanks to everyone who played this weekend!  More info on CD distribution coming soon....

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Wednesday February 3rd, 2016 - 6:31 pm

Looking forward to playing tomorrow's Mahler 4 concert Asko|Schönbernberg atLooking forward to pla't IJ!

Just sitting down for some last-minute studying now:
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Thursday December 3rd, 2015 - 8:47 pm

Timeline photosTwee weken geleden in ons museum: een prachtig concert o.l.v. violist Joseph Puglia. Gemist? Kom op 12 december naar Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek, een dag vol muziek! Wij trappen om 14.00 uur af met een concert in onze aula, maar er valt deze dag nog veel meer te beleven bij o.a. Korzo, De Nieuwe Regentes en Paard van Troje.

Bekijk het volledige programma en bestel kaarten via:

Foto: Maurice Haak
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Tuesday November 10th, 2015 - 7:06 pm

This Saturday, November 14th at 14:00 I will be playing Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag with Ellen Corver, Jasper Grijpink, and Sietse-Jan Weijenberg. The concert is inspired by their exhibit (see photo!) "Kleur Ontkend", which is really worth seeing.

As always the concert is free with entry to the museum and will feature a display of some instruments which we've selected from their huge collection currently in storage. This time is instruments from India and Indonesia.

Special thanks to Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek for their help with organizing this event!‘Kleuren moeten vooral optimaal in dienst staan van expressie’, aldus Henri Matisse. In 1905 maakt de kunstenaar een cruciale ontwikkeling door. In het Zuid-Franse havenplaatsje Collioure schildert hij kleur zoals nooit tevoren. Deze doorbraak komt niet uit de lucht vallen. Conservator Frouke van Dijke schreef er een blog over:
Tot en met 3 januari 2016 te zien in de tentoonstelling ‘Kleur ontketend’.

Henri Matisse, Landschap bij Collioure, 1905, Olieverf op doek, 39 x 46,5 cm, Museum of Modern Art, New York
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This Saturday, November 14th at 14:00 I will be playing Messiaens Quartet for the End of Time at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag with Ellen Corver, Jasper Grijpink, and Sietse-Jan Weijenberg.  The concert is inspired by their exhibit (see photo!) Kleur Ontkend, which is really worth seeing.

As always the concert is free with entry to the museum and will feature a display of some instruments which weve selected from their huge collection currently in storage.  This time is instruments from India and Indonesia.

Special thanks to Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek for their help with organizing this event!

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Tuesday November 10th, 2015 - 10:43 am

Timeline photosWas ons een genoegen te gast te zijn bij November Music. Fijne recensie in NRC over ons programma op 6/11. Over Saariaho's Graal Théâtre: 'Puglia schitterde wederom als solist in dit verrukkeijke vioolconcert' (zie foto Joseph Puglia met Reinbert de Leeuw tijdens de repetities). Het stuk van Jan van de Putte voor viool (wederom Joseph Puglia) en elektronica wordt 'het meest extreme stuk van deze editie' genoemd. ... See MoreSee Less

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Thursday October 29th, 2015 - 10:46 pm

Here's a video of me waving my hands around a lot!

Looking forward to two performances of Kaija Saariaho's concerto next Asko|Schönber|Schönberg and Reinbert deNovember Musicmber Music in Den Bosch (November 6th) aPhilharmonie Essenonie Essen (November 8th). The Essen concert will even be broadcast for the WDR in early 2016!

As an appetizer in Den Bosch I'll be giving a repeat performance of Jan van de Putte's wonderful new piece for solo violin and electronics which

l voor Nieuwe Muziek earlier this month.
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Friday September 11th, 2015 - 8:26 pm

Congratulations to the Congratulations to the;t IJ! Looking forward to playing my share of the jubileum concert tomorrKate Moore (composer)oser)'s violin concCongratulation|SchöCongratulations tk Den Haag, conEtienne Siebensne Siebens!Journalist Erik Voermans weet het prachtig te verwoorden vandaag in Het Parool - de kracht van 10 jaar Muziekgebouw:

"Muziekmagie aan het IJ"
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Congratulations to the Muziekgebouw aan t IJ!  Looking forward to playing my share of the jubileum concert tomorrow - Kate Moore (composer)s violin concerto with Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag, conducted by Etienne Siebens!

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Wednesday September 2nd, 2015 - 10:30 pm

It's a busy few weeks! Just finished some sample recording tonight for Jan van de Putte's new piece for me (to be premiered on October 3rd at Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek. Tomorrow and Friday more recording sessions with Asko|Schönberg, Saturday and Sunday, concerts of Kate Moore (composer)'s "Synaesthesia Suite" at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag and the Uitmarkt Den Haag (Nieuwe Kerk). And on September 12th, the premiere of Kate's solo violin and ensemble version of the suite at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ's Jubileum weekend with Asko|Schoenberg and Slagwerk Den Haag!

(on September 13th I plan to sleep most of the day!)10 jaar Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ gevat in 22 prachtige nummers op 22tracks. Luister het live tijdens ons jubileumweekend 11 t/m 13 september!
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Its a busy few weeks!  Just finished some sample recording tonight for Jan van de Puttes new piece for me (to be premiered on October 3rd at Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek.  Tomorrow and Friday more recording sessions with Asko|Schönberg, Saturday and Sunday, concerts of Kate Moore (composer)s Synaesthesia Suite at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag and the Uitmarkt Den Haag (Nieuwe Kerk).  And on September 12th, the premiere of Kates solo violin and ensemble version of the suite at the Muziekgebouw aan t IJs Jubileum weekend with Asko|Schoenberg and Slagwerk Den Haag! 

(on September 13th I plan to sleep most of the day!)

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Thursday August 13th, 2015 - 10:22 am

Two more Berio concerts tonight and tomorrow with the Two more Berio . And on Saturday we go to another recording session! Radio 4 did a short broadcast about the project - my first ever radio interview in Dutch! Do It is een uniek project van violist Joseph Puglia rond de vioolduetten van Berio. Het gebeurt namelijk zelden dat alle duetten van Berio in één concert worden gespeeld, maar deze zomer is een van die zeldzame gelegenheden!
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Wednesday August 12th, 2015 - 11:26 am

Mobile uploadsDinsdagavond om 18.30 uur in het festivaljournaal op NPO Radio 4: repetities met vioolleerlingen voor Just Do It; 34 vioolduetten van Berio. (Met 'op microfoon' Robert-Jan Booij).
Benieuwd naar het resultaat van dit project?:
> 12 aug. - Veluvine Nunspeet -
> 13 aug. - Broederenkerk (Zutphen) -
> 14 aug. - ACEC, Apeldoorn -
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Tuesday August 11th, 2015 - 6:01 pm

Timeline photosStraks om 18.30 uur op NPO Radio 4 in het Festivaljournaal een impressie van de repetities van Just Do It in Sprengeloo met coach Joseph Puglia. Luister live mee: ... See MoreSee Less

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Monday June 15th, 2015 - 11:57 am

Timeline photosTip voor het nieuwe seizoen 15-16!
In dit seizoen komt de lyrische en expressieve stijl van Joseph Puglia tot uiting in een kersvers vioolconcert van Joey Roukens. Dit concert is speciaal voor Joseph gecomponeerd. Te horen tijdens #SwingendeKruisbestuivingen op do 17/3, vrij 18/3 en do 24/3 en tijdens #DagindeBranding op za 14/5.
Ook schittert hij tijdens een stuk van Jan van de Putte voor viool en live-elektronica op vrij 6/11 tijdens #GraalThéâtre (November Music).

Voor meer info ga naar onze website:
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Monday June 8th, 2015 - 10:09 pm

Timeline photosShare! ... See MoreSee Less

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Tuesday June 2nd, 2015 - 8:11 pm

Mobile uploadsYes! De kick-off van de NJO Muziekzomer is begonnen! Vrienden en Relaties van het NJO genieten in het ACEC in Apeldoorn alvast van een voorproefje van het programma: Joseph Puglia speelt met vijf jonge violisten educatieve duetten van de Italiaanse componist Berio. ... See MoreSee Less

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Saturday May 30th, 2015 - 9:26 am

The longest recording day I've had so far, but nine more duets and the Due Pezzi are done! Thank you everyone involved - especially all of the wonderful students atThe longest recording day I've had so far,toire for their great playing yesterday! Round 4 of recording is on June 21st, De Nieuwe Philharmonie Utrechtrecht, friends Asko|Schönbernberg, and more! ... See MoreSee Less

The longest recording day Ive had so far, but nine more duets and the Due Pezzi are done!  Thank you everyone involved - especially all of the wonderful students at the Koninklijk Conservatorium - Royal Conservatoire for their great playing yesterday!  Round 4 of recording is on June 21st, with De Nieuwe Philharmonie Utrecht, friends from Asko|Schönberg, and more!
Sunday April 5th, 2015 - 12:24 pm

I'll be playing! ... See MoreSee Less

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Sunday April 5th, 2015 - 12:23 pm

Timeline photosDo you know Joe (Joseph) Puglia? I let you know soon what his connection is with the Masterclass Apeldoorn... ... See MoreSee Less

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Thursday March 26th, 2015 - 8:21 pm

Also on Saturday!!!! (It's been a busy week!) I will be playing Asko|Schönbernberg conducteEtienne Siebensebens at Dag in de Branding in Den HaAlso on Saturday! Haag will be performing on the same concert as well!‘Het ontwaken van de moderne muziek’ is volgens Pierre Boulez te horen in Claude Debussy’s Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune. Dit en werk van Ravel, Stockhausen en uiteraard Boulez zelf is te horen tijdens de Dag in de Branding_Festival voor Nieuwe Muziek in Zuiderstrandtheater Den Haag.
Zaterdag 28 maart om 14 uur, met Slagwerk Den Haag, Katrien Baerts | Soprano en Etienne Siebens. Ism Dr Anton Philipszaal,
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Also on Saturday!!!! (Its been a busy week!)  I will be playing with Asko|Schönberg  conducted by Etienne Siebens at Dag in de Branding in Den Haag.  Slagwerk Den Haag will be performing on the same concert as well!

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Sunday March 1st, 2015 - 10:38 pm

As a violinist I have the very strange and rare privilege of being able to perform both Beethoven's Diabelli variations ( to speak) and Bach's Goldberg variations in the same year. You can come hear our “Beethoven” (I should really say Hans Zender's creative reworking of the Beethoven) with Asko|Schoenberg and Peter Rundel in one of many locations this week – or listen on the Radio!Volgende week! Alle registers van de #piano gaan open. Met het nieuwe #pianoconcert ‘A Dog’s Life’ van Frederic Rzewski en Hans Zenders bewerking van #Beethovens magistrale pianowerk de Diabelli-variaties naar eigentijdse klanken in een rijke ensemble setting. Met solist Daan Vandewalle en Asko|Schönberg, olv Peter Rundel.

De tijd gaat ‘vingersvlug’ voorbij. Mis ’t niet! Woensdag (4/3) in Muziekcentrum De Bijloke Gent, donderdag (5/3) in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, vrijdag (6/3) in TivoliVredenburg en zondag (8/3) in De Doelen.
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As a violinist I have the very strange and rare privilege of being able to perform both Beethovens Diabelli variations ( to speak) and Bachs Goldberg variations in the same year.  You can come hear our “Beethoven” (I should really say Hans Zenders creative reworking of the Beethoven) with Asko|Schoenberg and Peter Rundel in one of many locations this week – or listen on the Radio!

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Friday February 27th, 2015 - 5:36 pm

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